Sunday, October 14, 2012

5. St. Vincent de Paul

(St. Therese Little Flower)
St. Vincent de Paul,
123 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011

Since this church is located near my office, I go here for daily Mass sometime. I don't know what to say about this church. It is nicely sized and beautifully proportioned. But this French church needs money and serious renovation. There are yellow tapes at the side aisles (my friend said it was damaged by hurricane, even though I am not hundred percent sure about it), and the colors of the columns are gloomy gray. When the nave of the church does not have windows, I think lighter paint color should be applied to brighten up the space. And the kneelers were painfully uncomfortable. It is too bad that this church is kept in such a bad condition. I love its front facade and the overall layout. This church can be definitely improved!

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