Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Churches in Manhattan

I always wanted to blog about churches...especially in Manhattan but I never had a chance to do it (or strong commitment to do it). I will take the first step today with the photo of our blessed mother in St. Francis of Assisi (located in Manhattan).

I have special love for sacred architecture and especially in Catholic churches. I don't know how to describe it. But a church is a special place for believers. Where you can be comforted, and where you can feel the presence of our Lord. Also church embodies "special meaning", unlike other type of buildings. (a lot of architects will try to kill me now) While I traveled in Europe, I sketched so many churches and analyzed their forms. I hope I continue doing that in the United States too and this blogs helps me motivated to do it. Churches even in New England region do not have history like churches in Rome or other parts of Europe. Relatively they are new compared to their predecessors in Europe. But one thing I loved about churches in Manhattan (at least those ones I had a chance to visit) was that they were full of believers. I shouldn't generalized it.. After all, there are churches in every corner of Rome and less people in Rome, compared to Manhattan. However, when I was used to seeing empty churches in Rome, I was so surprised to see churches packed with people even during daily Mass. Even when I helped selling tickets for a Bazaar in front of St. Francis at 7:30am (being all grumpy), there were people coming to daily Mass everyday!
I believe that churches become extra special when there are believers in them; in that way, churches in Manhattan can't be more special (at least those ones that haven't been sold!). I will slow but surely write about them...

Churches in Manhattan

화성에서 온 남자 금성에서 온 여자

화성에서 온 남자 금성에서 온 여자 -존 그레이 지음-
" 아마 여러분은 몇 년 동안 싸움은 커녕 큰 소리 한번 내 본 적도 없는 부부가 돌연 이혼을 결정해 사람들을 놀라게 하는 경우를 본 적이 있을 것이다. 이런 경우는 대부분 싸움을 피하려고 여자 쪽에서 자신의 부정적인 감정들을 삭이며 살아 온 것이기 쉽다. 그 결과 그녀는 사랑을 느끼는 능력을 잃은 무감각한 사람이 된다. 부정적인 감정이 억압될 때는 긍정적인 감정도 함께 억눌리게 되고, 사랑도 희미하게 빛을 잃는다. 논쟁과 싸움은 물론 피하는 것이 좋겠지만 감정을 억압해야 한다면 곤란하다." (pg 173-174)

I just read this book...I heard about it for so many years but did not have a chance to read it. Not sure whether I liked this book that much. I felt like the author generalized relationship too much (even though probably a lot of what he said is true!). However,I could not agree more with this one paragraph I typed up above. Not only within my previous relationship but within my relationship between family members, I usually take a passive role rather than fighting or arguing . Maybe because of my passiveness/detachment, I became a person who is unable to sure about her ability to give out love. I talked to a priest during Cunae retreat about my ability to love. Unknowingly, I protect myself from being emotionally too involved with others (which can lead me to getting hurt). When my priest asked me, "so how do you think you can start loving others?" I wasn't sure what the right answer was. The priest said, "Don't think you are the source of love. Let the love flow. The love you are getting from Jesus, make it flow." Honestly, that sounded like a good solution to my problem, but still it is not a part of my life yet. It might take years for his word to really sink in.